Wednesday, May 12, 2010

34 days...

I just wanna Get Gone!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

40 days to go...

Well the past few days have been eventful. So Dirty went down last Sunday. We decided that we would all get out and about and go for a local poker run for the kindney disease research. Good cause so good karma eh... not really how it turned out. We made it all the way to the end with nothing more than some rain beating on us down from Quilicene, but on the way home ole' Dirt Mc'Girt decided he was gonna go for a slide going 60 down highway 3! His black bitch made it out of the slide with only some minor paint and exhaust abrasions. As for Dirt, he ended up fracturing a wrist bone. the type of fracture that puts him in a cast 40 days before the Smoke Out. So while he heals we are going to fix the bike up (with easy clutch set up!), and hope that he is a Wolverine like mutant healer. don't count him out yet!
On a positive note, Skin Flint got all his new gear in and is ready to pack up and get out of town. so a couple oil changes possibly next week, and the 2 of us will be ready.