Tuesday, April 20, 2010

closer to the Smoke Out

57 days! We have actually got some planning done and out of the way. Rooms are booked, friends are called, and money is spent! we have it all mapped out up to San Diego, then it is going to be a free for all up the coast. maybe we will just sleep on a beach somewhere.

So it is getting down to that time before the trip. you know that 8 year old the night before Disney Land time. Everytime I go out to the garage and see the bike, I think of how it is going to be packed. what should I bring? what do I still need to buy? How much is Skin Flint actually gonna make me drink?! I have started a small pile of tools and supplies that need to be brought with. is this just a compulsive whack job thing, or do all other 32 year old men act like a little kid when thinking of being out on the road and away from life?

Thursday, April 8, 2010