Friday, November 20, 2009

Love me some Halloween!

Boutrous says, "always take your vitamans kids!"

all deep and shit

Ever want a vacation from life? Not like an "on a cruise" , drink in hand sort of vacation, but more of a, "please leave a message because I have left real life & all that I am behind" sort of vacation. No alarm clock. No waking up to a dull warm shower to muster up the motivation to live another day in this rut... this rountine... this all the same... day in... day out sort of day. wanna run from that. shit, walk real fast would satisfy my urge. The itch that is just plain away from here. Not just here, but anywhere. Anywhere that requires the use of me. Me bill, me Billy, Me Daddy, Me Boss, Me "hey asshole!". Me and I are out of this EVERYTHING! To the great something that is Whatever. Ever want that kind of vacation? Not that on a beach, sun in my face, distracted by tits in bikinis sort of vacation. That is only a slight charge of the batteries. just a quick boost to put you back on the life production line. it is a minor resolution to a much deeper need. And the need is what? what will make it all go away? simple really. A bit of Combustion. A long stretch of road in front of you with 3 gallons of gas in your lap and not a one thought on your mind. That is vacation. That is away from EVERYTHING!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

if I din't have bad luck, I'de have no luck at all

Smoke Out West

the pic that The Horse wouldn't publish. like father like son! yes, that is the Old Man.
Old Man's bike without him butt ass naked on it. met up with us at the Smoke Out West then Dirty and I followed him home to New Mexico before heading back home.

my view from the tent. you can see the burn out log.

The Old Man can pack some shit in that garage.

ugly fucker 1 and 2. apple don't fall far.

Cottonwood and the old mining town were tits! gonna miss them when we head out to Smoke OutXI

The 1st. Mistress

second bike, but first one I have loved. she has been to New Mexico and back on a couple occasions. she was also there for Smoke Out X. old pic though.

and there it was...

so here I am.